

Quality outsourcing solutions
for 3PLS,
carriers and shippers.

Valoroo: Your Perfect Match for Top-Tier Logistics Talent

Build your dream logistics team with Valoroo’s unmatched expertise. Here’s why we stand out:

2-for-1 hiring

Find your perfect match. Valoroo’s unique 2-for-1 hiring model ensures you find your company’s ideal rep. We provide an additional rep for every rep you hire, complimentary for the first 60 days.

Cost-effective solution

Valoroo delivers a transparent and efficient staffing solution. You only pay for the highly qualified talent you need, eliminating recruitment costs and streamlining your operations. Our flexible solutions adapt to your business needs, ensuring a cost-effective partnership that grows with you.

Veteran Expertise

Our team is built on a foundation of highly qualified logistics professionals with college degrees, averaging 8-10 years of experience. This potent combination ensures a deep understanding of complex industry challenges and the intellectual agility to excel in your specific logistics environment.

Seamless Fit

Valoroo seamlessly integrates with your existing workflows and holiday schedules. Our friendly contract terms also cater to your specific needs and budget, ensuring a smooth and adaptable partnership that works for you.

Thrive Ready

A dedicated Valoroo manager is assigned to your team, providing continuous oversight, expert guidance, and efficient handling of key performance indicators (KPIs) and escalations. This ensures a streamlined workflow and onboarding process, empowering your team to excel from day one.

SOP Site Creation

As part of our onboarding process, Valoroo builds an SOP site that becomes the go-to guide for your Valoroo reps to reference as they train and move forward with their role. This will contain your company overview, procedures, updates, messages, and training videos for the specific roles you select. All training videos are time-stamped for easy reference.

Valoroo empowers you to build a superior logistics team with the expertise, experience, and support you need to succeed.

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We know that finding the right people is essential to your success. That’s why we’re here to help.


9466 Black Mountain Rd,
San Diego, CA 92126